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Beans Carrot Cabbage Poriyal - Robotic Kitchen India

written by  
  Adithya Jayasankar

Cabbage Carrot Beans Poriyal

Ingredients Time Calories
12 10 mins 150 calories per cup


Cabbage carrot Beans poriyal is also called as Kadhamba curry is nothing but a mix of many vegetables.This poriyal is rich is fibre.


Ingredients Quantity
Oil 25 ml
Mustard 1 gm
Urad Dal 3 gms
Channa Dal 5 gms
Big Onions 40 gms
Green Chilly 5 gms
Beans and Carrot 250 gm
Cabbage 200 gm
Table Salt 2 gms
Turmeric Powder 2 gms
Water 15 gms
Coconut thuruval 50 gms


It’s Loaded With Antioxidants

You’ll get a good dose of well-known ones like vitamin C and manganese. But cabbage really shines when it comes to plant chemicals called phytonutrients, a cell-protecting force.

It’s Good for Your Digestion

Cabbage has 1 gram of fiber for every 10 calories. That helps fill you up, so you eat less. It also keeps you regular, and it could help lower your “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and control your blood sugar.

Cabbage also has nutrients that keep the lining of your stomach and intestines strong. Its juice also can help stomach ulcers heal.

Reduce Heart Diseases

Green beans may help reduce the risk of heart diseases due to their high levels of flavonoids. Flavonoids are polyphenolic antioxidants commonly found in fruits and vegetables. They have high levels of flavonoids that contain certain anti-inflammatory properties.

Control Diabetes

A study on plant foods at the Central Food Technological Research Institute, India claims that green beans are one of the vegetables known to have a definitive hypoglycemic influence on patients with diabetes. Diabetes is a condition that requires constant maintenance of blood sugar levels at a normal level so the body can perform necessary tasks.

Eye Care

Certain specific carotenoids that are found in green beans – as mentioned above – can prevent macular degeneration, which is a decrease in vision and eye function.

Help Prevent Cancer

Carrots contain numerous phytochemicals that are well-studied for their anticancer properties. A few of these compounds include beta-carotene and other carotenoids. These compounds promote immunity and activate certain proteins that inhibit cancer cells.

Boost Immunity

Vitamin A regulates the functioning of your system and prevents infections. It achieves this by boosting your body’s immunity. Get this immune-boosting vitamin from carrots. Carrots also contain vitamin C.

About Adithya Jayasankar

Adithya leads engineering at Admatic.

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