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Cabbage Poriyal - Robotic Kitchen India

written by  
  Adithya Jayasankar

Cabbage Poriyal

Ingredients Time Calories
9 10 mins 93.5 calories per cup


The Muttaikose/Cabbage Poriyal Recipe is a very traditional South Indian dry vegetable made from cabbage. Cabbage Poriyal is a simple, healthy and flavorful South Indian side. The spices plays the perfect role in enhancing the natural flavor of the Cabbage.


Ingredients Quantity
Oil 25 ml
Mustard 1 gm
Urad Dal 2 gms
Channa Dal 2 gms
Onion & Curry Leaf 40 gms
Cabbage 200 gm
Table Salt 2.5 gms
Water 1/2 Cup
Coconut thuruval 15 gms


Cabbage Is Packed With Nutrients

Cabbage also contains small amounts of other micronutrients, including vitamin A, iron and riboflavin.

It May Help Keep Inflammation in Check

Cabbage has 1 gram of fiber for every 10 calories. That helps fill you up, so you eat less. It also keeps you regular, and it could help lower your “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and control your blood sugar.

Cabbage also has nutrients that keep the lining of your stomach and intestines strong. Its juice also can help stomach ulcers heal.

Cabbage Is Packed With Vitamin C

Vitamin C works to protect the body from damage caused by free radicals, which has been associated with many chronic diseases, including cancer

It Helps Improve Digestion

This crunchy vegetable is full of gut-friendly insoluble fiber, a type of carbohydrate that can’t be broken down in the intestines. Insoluble fiber helps keep the digestive system healthy by adding bulk to stools and promoting regular bowel movements

May Help Keep Your Heart Healthy

Red cabbage contains powerful compounds called anthocyanins. They give this delicious vegetable its vibrant purple color.

Anthocyanins are plant pigments that belong to the flavonoid family.

Many studies have found a link between eating foods rich in this pigment and a reduced risk of heart disease

About Adithya Jayasankar

Adithya leads engineering at Admatic.

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